Let's talk about

Marketing Strategy Without the Stress

Marketing strategy is tough. What you say matters – not to mention where and when you say it. Let’s make your message clear, concise and compelling. That’s the kind of marketing that converts.

Nicole Shedden

What I do

For business Owners

Getting marketing and copywriting right can feel hard.

You know your business forward and backward. Once you get face to face with a prospect, your close rate is impressive. But as easy as it is to talk about how you solve your customers’ problems, putting it on paper is a different story – not to mention the challenge of putting it in the right place. You’ve seen “marketing fluff” before, and you know it’s not going to lead to increased revenue. 

So how do you create marketing that clearly explains your message, and how do you make sure the right people see it?

For Marketing Teams

Are your campaigns resonating with your audience?

With all the projects you have on your plate, it can be hard to take the time to strategize. Do your campaigns feel thrown together? Are they making the best use of your content or shoehorning the latest blog post? Does your audience understand what you’re saying, or are you using complicated company jargon? 

What would it feel like to press the pause button and get an outside view of your marketing campaigns? Get the confidence to hit “go” on your next campaign.


What's it like to work with me?

We owe Nicole our thanks for her exceptional guidance in formulating and interpreting our audience demographic data. Her professional marketing and social media knowledge have been critical to getting to this point in understanding our market, and we will draw on her as we move forward with our marketing strategy.
John Howell
First VP of Growth and Promotions, Thistle Class Association
Nicole shines when it comes to maintaining a constant focus on the real priorities and needs of an audience. Whether she's designing a survey, conducting primary research interviews, creating a communications plan or writing content, she's careful to stay focused on the perceptions, experiences and preferences of the audience.
Reed Stith
Senior Growth & Innovation Advisor, Marketing and Sales, MAGNET
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